LibVNCClient API Reference


file  rfbclient.h

Data Structures

struct  rfbVNCRec
 vncrec More...
struct  rfbClientData
 client data More...
struct  AppData
 app data (belongs into rfbClient?) More...
union  rfbCredential
 For GetCredentialProc callback function to return. More...
struct  rfbClient
struct  rfbClientProtocolExtension


#define rfbClientSwap16IfLE(s)    (*(char *)&client->endianTest ? ((((s) & 0xff) << 8) | (((s) >> 8) & 0xff)) : (s))
#define rfbClientSwap32IfLE(l)
#define rfbClientSwap64IfLE(l)
#define FLASH_PORT_OFFSET   5400
#define LISTEN_PORT_OFFSET   5500
#define TUNNEL_PORT_OFFSET   5500
#define SERVER_PORT_OFFSET   5900
#define DEFAULT_SSH_CMD   "/usr/bin/ssh"
#define DEFAULT_TUNNEL_CMD    (DEFAULT_SSH_CMD " -f -L %L:localhost:%R %H sleep 20")
#define DEFAULT_VIA_CMD    (DEFAULT_SSH_CMD " -f -L %L:%H:%R %G sleep 20")
#define rfbCredentialTypeX509   1
#define rfbCredentialTypeUser   2
#define rfbX509CrlVerifyNone   0 /* No CRL checking is performed */
#define rfbX509CrlVerifyClient   1 /* Only the leaf server certificate is checked */
#define rfbX509CrlVerifyAll   2 /* All certificates in the server chain are checked */


typedef void(* HandleTextChatProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int value, char *text)
 Handles a text chat message. More...
typedef void(* HandleXvpMsgProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, uint8_t version, uint8_t opcode)
 Handles XVP server messages. More...
typedef void(* HandleKeyboardLedStateProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int value, int pad)
typedef rfbBool(* HandleCursorPosProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int x, int y)
typedef void(* SoftCursorLockAreaProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int w, int h)
typedef void(* SoftCursorUnlockScreenProc) (struct _rfbClient *client)
typedef void(* GotFrameBufferUpdateProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int w, int h)
 Callback indicating that a rectangular area of the client's framebuffer was updated. More...
typedef void(* FinishedFrameBufferUpdateProc) (struct _rfbClient *client)
 Callback indicating that a client has completely processed an rfbFramebufferUpdate message sent by a server. More...
typedef char *(* GetPasswordProc) (struct _rfbClient *client)
typedef rfbCredential *(* GetCredentialProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int credentialType)
typedef rfbBool(* MallocFrameBufferProc) (struct _rfbClient *client)
typedef void(* GotXCutTextProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, const char *text, int textlen)
typedef void(* GotXCutTextUTF8Proc) (struct _rfbClient *client, const char *buffer, int buffer_len)
typedef void(* BellProc) (struct _rfbClient *client)
typedef void(* GotCursorShapeProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int xhot, int yhot, int width, int height, int bytesPerPixel)
 Called when a cursor shape update was received from the server. More...
typedef void(* GotCopyRectProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int src_x, int src_y, int w, int h, int dest_x, int dest_y)
typedef void(* GotFillRectProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t colour)
typedef void(* GotBitmapProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, const uint8_t *buffer, int x, int y, int w, int h)
typedef rfbBool(* GotJpegProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, const uint8_t *buffer, int length, int x, int y, int w, int h)
typedef rfbBool(* LockWriteToTLSProc) (struct _rfbClient *client)
typedef rfbBool(* UnlockWriteToTLSProc) (struct _rfbClient *client)
typedef void(* rfbClientLogProc) (const char *format,...)


rfbBool HandleCursorShape (rfbClient *client, int xhot, int yhot, int width, int height, uint32_t enc)
 Handles XCursor and RichCursor shape updates from the server. More...
void listenForIncomingConnections (rfbClient *viewer)
int listenForIncomingConnectionsNoFork (rfbClient *viewer, int usec_timeout)
rfbBool ConnectToRFBServer (rfbClient *client, const char *hostname, int port)
rfbBool ConnectToRFBRepeater (rfbClient *client, const char *repeaterHost, int repeaterPort, const char *destHost, int destPort)
void SetClientAuthSchemes (rfbClient *client, const uint32_t *authSchemes, int size)
rfbBool InitialiseRFBConnection (rfbClient *client)
rfbBool SetFormatAndEncodings (rfbClient *client)
 Sends format and encoding parameters to the server. More...
rfbBool SendIncrementalFramebufferUpdateRequest (rfbClient *client)
rfbBool SendFramebufferUpdateRequest (rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int w, int h, rfbBool incremental)
 Sends a framebuffer update request to the server. More...
rfbBool SendScaleSetting (rfbClient *client, int scaleSetting)
rfbBool SendPointerEvent (rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int buttonMask)
 Sends a pointer event to the server. More...
rfbBool SendExtDesktopSize (rfbClient *client, uint16_t width, uint16_t height)
 Sends a SetDesktopSize event to the server. More...
rfbBool SendKeyEvent (rfbClient *client, uint32_t key, rfbBool down)
 Sends a key event to the server. More...
rfbBool SendExtendedKeyEvent (rfbClient *client, uint32_t keysym, uint32_t keycode, rfbBool down)
 The same as SendKeyEvent, except a key code will be sent along with the symbol if the server supports extended key events. More...
rfbBool SendClientCutText (rfbClient *client, char *str, int len)
 Places a Latin-1-encoded string on the server's clipboard. More...
rfbBool SendClientCutTextUTF8 (rfbClient *client, char *str, int len)
 Places a UTF-8-encoded string on the server's clipboard if the server supports it. More...
rfbBool HandleRFBServerMessage (rfbClient *client)
 Handles messages from the RFB server. More...
rfbBool TextChatSend (rfbClient *client, char *text)
 Sends a text chat message to the server. More...
rfbBool TextChatOpen (rfbClient *client)
 Opens a text chat window on the server. More...
rfbBool TextChatClose (rfbClient *client)
 Closes the text chat window on the server. More...
rfbBool TextChatFinish (rfbClient *client)
rfbBool PermitServerInput (rfbClient *client, int enabled)
rfbBool SendXvpMsg (rfbClient *client, uint8_t version, uint8_t code)
void PrintPixelFormat (rfbPixelFormat *format)
rfbBool SupportsClient2Server (rfbClient *client, int messageType)
rfbBool SupportsServer2Client (rfbClient *client, int messageType)
void rfbClientSetUpdateRect (rfbClient *client, rfbRectangle *rect)
 Set the rectangle the client is interested in. More...
void rfbClientGetUpdateRect (rfbClient *client, rfbRectangle *rect, rfbBool *isManagedByLib)
 Get the rectangle the client asks for in incremental framebuffer requests. More...
void rfbClientSetClientData (rfbClient *client, void *tag, void *data)
 Associates a client data tag with the given pointer. More...
void * rfbClientGetClientData (rfbClient *client, void *tag)
 Returns a pointer to the client data associated with the given tag. More...
void rfbClientRegisterExtension (rfbClientProtocolExtension *e)
rfbBool ReadFromRFBServer (rfbClient *client, char *out, unsigned int n)
rfbBool WriteToRFBServer (rfbClient *client, const char *buf, unsigned int n)
int FindFreeTcpPort (void)
rfbSocket ListenAtTcpPort (int port)
rfbSocket ListenAtTcpPortAndAddress (int port, const char *address)
rfbSocket ConnectClientToTcpAddr (unsigned int host, int port)
 Tries to connect to an IPv4 host. More...
rfbSocket ConnectClientToTcpAddr6 (const char *hostname, int port)
 Tries to connect to an IPv4 or IPv6 host. More...
rfbSocket ConnectClientToUnixSock (const char *sockFile)
 Tries to connect to a Unix socket. More...
rfbSocket ConnectClientToTcpAddrWithTimeout (unsigned int host, int port, unsigned int timeout)
 Tries to connect to an IPv4 host using the given timeout value. More...
rfbSocket ConnectClientToTcpAddr6WithTimeout (const char *hostname, int port, unsigned int timeout)
 Tries to connect to an IPv4 or IPv6 host using the given timeout value. More...
rfbSocket ConnectClientToUnixSockWithTimeout (const char *sockFile, unsigned int timeout)
 Tries to connect to a Unix socket using the given timeout value. More...
rfbSocket AcceptTcpConnection (rfbSocket listenSock)
rfbBool SetNonBlocking (rfbSocket sock)
rfbBool SetBlocking (rfbSocket sock)
rfbBool SetDSCP (rfbSocket sock, int dscp)
rfbBool StringToIPAddr (const char *str, unsigned int *addr)
rfbBool SameMachine (rfbSocket sock)
int WaitForMessage (rfbClient *client, unsigned int usecs)
 Waits for an RFB message to arrive from the server. More...
rfbClientrfbGetClient (int bitsPerSample, int samplesPerPixel, int bytesPerPixel)
 Allocates and returns a pointer to an rfbClient structure. More...
rfbBool rfbInitClient (rfbClient *client, int *argc, char **argv)
 Initializes the client. More...
void rfbClientCleanup (rfbClient *client)
 Cleans up the client structure and releases the memory allocated for it. More...


rfbBool rfbEnableClientLogging
rfbClientLogProc rfbClientLog
rfbClientLogProc rfbClientErr
rfbBool errorMessageOnReadFailure

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 88 of file rfbclient.h.



Definition at line 89 of file rfbclient.h.


#define DEFAULT_SSH_CMD   "/usr/bin/ssh"

Definition at line 91 of file rfbclient.h.


#define DEFAULT_TUNNEL_CMD    (DEFAULT_SSH_CMD " -f -L %L:localhost:%R %H sleep 20")

Definition at line 92 of file rfbclient.h.


#define DEFAULT_VIA_CMD    (DEFAULT_SSH_CMD " -f -L %L:%H:%R %G sleep 20")

Definition at line 94 of file rfbclient.h.


#define FLASH_PORT_OFFSET   5400

Definition at line 83 of file rfbclient.h.


#define LISTEN_PORT_OFFSET   5500

Definition at line 84 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ rfbClientSwap16IfLE

#define rfbClientSwap16IfLE (   s)     (*(char *)&client->endianTest ? ((((s) & 0xff) << 8) | (((s) >> 8) & 0xff)) : (s))

Definition at line 64 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ rfbClientSwap32IfLE

#define rfbClientSwap32IfLE (   l)
(*(char *)&client->endianTest ? ((((l) >> 24) & 0x000000ff) | \
(((l) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | \
(((l) & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | \
(((l) & 0x000000ff) << 24)) : (l))
int endianTest
Definition: rfbclient.h:246
rfbClient * client
Definition: vnc2mpg.c:358

Definition at line 67 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ rfbClientSwap64IfLE

#define rfbClientSwap64IfLE (   l)
(*(char *)&client->endianTest ? ((((l) >> 56 ) & 0x00000000000000ffULL) | \
(((l) & 0x00ff000000000000ULL) >> 40) | \
(((l) & 0x0000ff0000000000ULL) >> 24) | \
(((l) & 0x000000ff00000000ULL) >> 8) | \
(((l) & 0x00000000ff000000ULL) << 8) | \
(((l) & 0x0000000000ff0000ULL) << 24) | \
(((l) & 0x000000000000ff00ULL) << 40) | \
(((l) & 0x00000000000000ffULL) << 56)) : (l))

Definition at line 73 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ rfbCredentialTypeUser

#define rfbCredentialTypeUser   2

Definition at line 162 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ rfbCredentialTypeX509

#define rfbCredentialTypeX509   1

Definition at line 161 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ rfbX509CrlVerifyAll

#define rfbX509CrlVerifyAll   2 /* All certificates in the server chain are checked */

Definition at line 169 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ rfbX509CrlVerifyClient

#define rfbX509CrlVerifyClient   1 /* Only the leaf server certificate is checked */

Definition at line 168 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ rfbX509CrlVerifyNone

#define rfbX509CrlVerifyNone   0 /* No CRL checking is performed */

Definition at line 167 of file rfbclient.h.


#define SERVER_PORT_OFFSET   5900

Definition at line 86 of file rfbclient.h.


#define TUNNEL_PORT_OFFSET   5500

Definition at line 85 of file rfbclient.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ BellProc

typedef void(* BellProc) (struct _rfbClient *client)

Definition at line 221 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ FinishedFrameBufferUpdateProc

typedef void(* FinishedFrameBufferUpdateProc) (struct _rfbClient *client)

Callback indicating that a client has completely processed an rfbFramebufferUpdate message sent by a server.

This is called exactly once per each handled rfbFramebufferUpdate message.

clientThe client which finished processing an rfbFramebufferUpdate

Definition at line 215 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ GetCredentialProc

typedef rfbCredential *(* GetCredentialProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int credentialType)

Definition at line 217 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ GetPasswordProc

typedef char *(* GetPasswordProc) (struct _rfbClient *client)

Definition at line 216 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ GotBitmapProc

typedef void(* GotBitmapProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, const uint8_t *buffer, int x, int y, int w, int h)

Definition at line 232 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ GotCopyRectProc

typedef void(* GotCopyRectProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int src_x, int src_y, int w, int h, int dest_x, int dest_y)

Definition at line 230 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ GotCursorShapeProc

typedef void(* GotCursorShapeProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int xhot, int yhot, int width, int height, int bytesPerPixel)

Called when a cursor shape update was received from the server.

The decoded cursor shape will be in client->rcSource. It's up to the application to do something with this, e.g. draw into a viewer's window. If you want the server to draw the cursor into the framebuffer, be careful not to announce remote cursor support, i.e. not include rfbEncodingXCursor or rfbEncodingRichCursor in SetFormatAndEncodings().

Definition at line 229 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ GotFillRectProc

typedef void(* GotFillRectProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t colour)

Definition at line 231 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ GotFrameBufferUpdateProc

typedef void(* GotFrameBufferUpdateProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int w, int h)

Callback indicating that a rectangular area of the client's framebuffer was updated.

As a server will usually send several rects per rfbFramebufferUpdate message, this callback is usually called multiple times per rfbFramebufferUpdate message.

clientThe client whose framebuffer was (partially) updated
xThe x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the updated rectangle
yThe y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the updated rectangle
wThe width of the updated rectangle
hThe heigth of the updated rectangle

Definition at line 208 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ GotJpegProc

typedef rfbBool(* GotJpegProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, const uint8_t *buffer, int length, int x, int y, int w, int h)

Definition at line 233 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ GotXCutTextProc

typedef void(* GotXCutTextProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, const char *text, int textlen)

Definition at line 219 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ GotXCutTextUTF8Proc

typedef void(* GotXCutTextUTF8Proc) (struct _rfbClient *client, const char *buffer, int buffer_len)

Definition at line 220 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ HandleCursorPosProc

typedef rfbBool(* HandleCursorPosProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int x, int y)

Definition at line 195 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ HandleKeyboardLedStateProc

typedef void(* HandleKeyboardLedStateProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int value, int pad)

Definition at line 194 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ HandleTextChatProc

typedef void(* HandleTextChatProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int value, char *text)

Handles a text chat message.

If your application should accept text messages from the server, define a function with this prototype and set client->HandleTextChat to a pointer to that function subsequent to your rfbGetClient() call.

clientThe client which called the text chat handler
valuetext length if text != NULL, or one of rfbTextChatOpen, rfbTextChatClose, rfbTextChatFinished if text == NULL
textThe text message from the server

Definition at line 183 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ HandleXvpMsgProc

typedef void(* HandleXvpMsgProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, uint8_t version, uint8_t opcode)

Handles XVP server messages.

If your application sends XVP messages to the server, you'll want to handle the server's XVP_FAIL and XVP_INIT responses. Define a function with this prototype and set client->HandleXvpMsg to a pointer to that function subsequent to your rfbGetClient() call.

clientThe client which called the XVP message handler
versionThe highest XVP extension version that the server supports
opcodeThe opcode. 0 is XVP_FAIL, 1 is XVP_INIT

Definition at line 193 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ LockWriteToTLSProc

typedef rfbBool(* LockWriteToTLSProc) (struct _rfbClient *client)

Definition at line 234 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ MallocFrameBufferProc

typedef rfbBool(* MallocFrameBufferProc) (struct _rfbClient *client)

Definition at line 218 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ rfbClientLogProc

typedef void(* rfbClientLogProc) (const char *format,...)

Definition at line 511 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ SoftCursorLockAreaProc

typedef void(* SoftCursorLockAreaProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int w, int h)

Definition at line 196 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ SoftCursorUnlockScreenProc

typedef void(* SoftCursorUnlockScreenProc) (struct _rfbClient *client)

Definition at line 197 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ UnlockWriteToTLSProc

typedef rfbBool(* UnlockWriteToTLSProc) (struct _rfbClient *client)

Definition at line 235 of file rfbclient.h.

Function Documentation

◆ AcceptTcpConnection()

rfbSocket AcceptTcpConnection ( rfbSocket  listenSock)

◆ ConnectClientToTcpAddr()

rfbSocket ConnectClientToTcpAddr ( unsigned int  host,
int  port 

Tries to connect to an IPv4 host.

hostBinary IPv4 address
A blocking socket or RFB_INVALID_SOCKET if the connection failed

◆ ConnectClientToTcpAddr6()

rfbSocket ConnectClientToTcpAddr6 ( const char *  hostname,
int  port 

Tries to connect to an IPv4 or IPv6 host.

hostnameA hostname or IP address
A blocking socket or RFB_INVALID_SOCKET if the connection failed

◆ ConnectClientToTcpAddr6WithTimeout()

rfbSocket ConnectClientToTcpAddr6WithTimeout ( const char *  hostname,
int  port,
unsigned int  timeout 

Tries to connect to an IPv4 or IPv6 host using the given timeout value.

hostnameA hostname or IP address
timeoutThe time in seconds to wait for a connection
A nonblocking socket or RFB_INVALID_SOCKET if the connection failed

◆ ConnectClientToTcpAddrWithTimeout()

rfbSocket ConnectClientToTcpAddrWithTimeout ( unsigned int  host,
int  port,
unsigned int  timeout 

Tries to connect to an IPv4 host using the given timeout value.

hostBinary IPv4 address
timeoutThe time in seconds to wait for a connection
A nonblocking socket or RFB_INVALID_SOCKET if the connection failed

◆ ConnectClientToUnixSock()

rfbSocket ConnectClientToUnixSock ( const char *  sockFile)

Tries to connect to a Unix socket.

sockFilePath of the socket file
A blocking socket or RFB_INVALID_SOCKET if the connection failed

◆ ConnectClientToUnixSockWithTimeout()

rfbSocket ConnectClientToUnixSockWithTimeout ( const char *  sockFile,
unsigned int  timeout 

Tries to connect to a Unix socket using the given timeout value.

sockFilePath of the socket file
timeoutThe time in seconds to wait for a connection
A nonblocking socket or RFB_INVALID_SOCKET if the connection failed

◆ ConnectToRFBRepeater()

rfbBool ConnectToRFBRepeater ( rfbClient client,
const char *  repeaterHost,
int  repeaterPort,
const char *  destHost,
int  destPort 

◆ ConnectToRFBServer()

rfbBool ConnectToRFBServer ( rfbClient client,
const char *  hostname,
int  port 

◆ FindFreeTcpPort()

int FindFreeTcpPort ( void  )

◆ HandleCursorShape()

rfbBool HandleCursorShape ( rfbClient client,
int  xhot,
int  yhot,
int  width,
int  height,
uint32_t  enc 

Handles XCursor and RichCursor shape updates from the server.

We emulate cursor operating on the frame buffer (that is why we call it "software cursor"). This decodes the received cursor shape and hands it over to GotCursorShapeProc, if set.

◆ HandleRFBServerMessage()

rfbBool HandleRFBServerMessage ( rfbClient client)

Handles messages from the RFB server.

You must call this function intermittently so LibVNCClient can parse messages from the server. For example, if your app has a draw loop, you could place a call to this function within that draw loop.

You must call WaitForMessage() before you call this function.
clientThe client which will handle the RFB server messages
true if the client was able to handle the RFB server messages, false otherwise
SDLvncviewer.c, ppmtest.c, and vnc2mpg.c.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ InitialiseRFBConnection()

rfbBool InitialiseRFBConnection ( rfbClient client)

◆ ListenAtTcpPort()

rfbSocket ListenAtTcpPort ( int  port)

◆ ListenAtTcpPortAndAddress()

rfbSocket ListenAtTcpPortAndAddress ( int  port,
const char *  address 

◆ listenForIncomingConnections()

void listenForIncomingConnections ( rfbClient viewer)

◆ listenForIncomingConnectionsNoFork()

int listenForIncomingConnectionsNoFork ( rfbClient viewer,
int  usec_timeout 

◆ PermitServerInput()

rfbBool PermitServerInput ( rfbClient client,
int  enabled 

◆ PrintPixelFormat()

void PrintPixelFormat ( rfbPixelFormat format)

◆ ReadFromRFBServer()

rfbBool ReadFromRFBServer ( rfbClient client,
char *  out,
unsigned int  n 

◆ rfbClientCleanup()

void rfbClientCleanup ( rfbClient client)

Cleans up the client structure and releases the memory allocated for it.

You should call this when you're done with the rfbClient structure that you allocated with rfbGetClient().

rfbClientCleanup() does not touch client->frameBuffer.
clientThe client to clean up
SDLvncviewer.c, and ppmtest.c.

◆ rfbClientGetClientData()

void * rfbClientGetClientData ( rfbClient client,
void *  tag 

Returns a pointer to the client data associated with the given tag.

See the the documentation for rfbClientSetClientData() for a discussion of how you can use client data.

clientThe client from which to get the client data
tagThe tag which identifies the client data
a pointer to the client data

◆ rfbClientGetUpdateRect()

void rfbClientGetUpdateRect ( rfbClient client,
rfbRectangle rect,
rfbBool isManagedByLib 

Get the rectangle the client asks for in incremental framebuffer requests.

clientThe client for which to get the rectangle
rectWill be filled with what's currently set for the given client
isManagedbylibWill be set to TRUE if client is using the default

◆ rfbClientRegisterExtension()

void rfbClientRegisterExtension ( rfbClientProtocolExtension e)

◆ rfbClientSetClientData()

void rfbClientSetClientData ( rfbClient client,
void *  tag,
void *  data 

Associates a client data tag with the given pointer.

LibVNCClient has several events to which you can associate your own handlers. These handlers have the client structure as one of their parameters. Sometimes, you may want to make data from elsewhere in your application available to these handlers without using a global variable. To do this, you call rfbClientSetClientData() and associate the data with a tag. Then, your handler can call rfbClientGetClientData() and get the a pointer to the data associated with that tag.

clientThe client in which to set the client data
tagA unique tag which identifies the data
dataA pointer to the data to associate with the tag

◆ rfbClientSetUpdateRect()

void rfbClientSetUpdateRect ( rfbClient client,
rfbRectangle rect 

Set the rectangle the client is interested in.

If set, the client will ask only for the given rectangle in incremental framebuffer requests.

clientThe client on which to set the rectangle
rectThe rectangle the client is interested in. The function does not take ownership of 'rect'. Set to NULL to have the library manage this, which means always request the full remote framebuffer.

◆ rfbGetClient()

rfbClient * rfbGetClient ( int  bitsPerSample,
int  samplesPerPixel,
int  bytesPerPixel 

Allocates and returns a pointer to an rfbClient structure.

This will probably be the first LibVNCClient function your client code calls. Most libVNCClient functions operate on an rfbClient structure, and this function allocates memory for that structure. When you're done with the rfbClient structure pointer this function returns, you should free the memory rfbGetClient() allocated by calling rfbClientCleanup().

A pixel is one dot on the screen. The number of bytes in a pixel will depend on the number of samples in that pixel and the number of bits in each sample. A sample represents one of the primary colors in a color model. The RGB color model uses red, green, and blue samples respectively. Suppose you wanted to use 16-bit RGB color: You would have three samples per pixel (one for each primary color), five bits per sample (the quotient of 16 RGB bits divided by three samples), and two bytes per pixel (the smallest multiple of eight bits in which the 16-bit pixel will fit). If you wanted 32-bit RGB color, you would have three samples per pixel again, eight bits per sample (since that's how 32-bit color is defined), and four bytes per pixel (the smallest multiple of eight bits in which the 32-bit pixel will fit.

bitsPerSampleThe number of bits in a sample
samplesPerPixelThe number of samples in a pixel
bytesPerPixelThe number of bytes in a pixel
a pointer to the allocated rfbClient structure
SDLvncviewer.c, ppmtest.c, and vnc2mpg.c.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rfbInitClient()

rfbBool rfbInitClient ( rfbClient client,
int *  argc,
char **  argv 

Initializes the client.

The format is {PROGRAM_NAME, [OPTIONS]..., HOST}. This function does not initialize the program name if the rfbClient's program name is set already. The options are as follows:

-listenListen for incoming connections.
-listennoforkListen for incoming connections without forking.
-playSet this client to replay a previously recorded session.
-encodingsSet the encodings to use. The next item in the argv array is the encodings string, consisting of comma separated encodings like 'tight,ultra,raw'.
-compressSet the compression level. The next item in the argv array is the compression level as an integer. Ranges from 0 (lowest) to 9 (highest).
-scaleSet the scaling level. The next item in the argv array is the scaling level as an integer. The screen will be scaled down by this factor.
-qosdscpSet the Quality of Service Differentiated Services Code Point (QoS DSCP). The next item in the argv array is the code point as an integer.
-repeaterdestSet a VNC repeater address. The next item in the argv array is the repeater's address as a string.

The host may include a port number (delimited by a ':').

clientThe client to initialize
argcThe number of arguments to the initializer
argvThe arguments to the initializer as an array of NULL terminated strings
true if the client was initialized successfully, false otherwise.
SDLvncviewer.c, ppmtest.c, and vnc2mpg.c.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SameMachine()

rfbBool SameMachine ( rfbSocket  sock)

◆ SendClientCutText()

rfbBool SendClientCutText ( rfbClient client,
char *  str,
int  len 

Places a Latin-1-encoded string on the server's clipboard.

Use this function if you want to be able to copy and paste between the server and your application. For instance, when your application is notified that the user copied some text onto the clipboard, you would call this function to synchronize the server's clipboard with your local clipboard.

clientThe client structure through which to send the client cut text message
strThe string to send (needs to be Latin-1-encoded, doesn't need to be NULL terminated)
lenThe length of the string
true if the client cut message was sent successfully, false otherwise

◆ SendClientCutTextUTF8()

rfbBool SendClientCutTextUTF8 ( rfbClient client,
char *  str,
int  len 

Places a UTF-8-encoded string on the server's clipboard if the server supports it.

Use this function if you want to be able to copy and paste between the server and your application. For instance, when your application is notified that the user copied some text onto the clipboard, you would call this function to synchronize the server's clipboard with your local clipboard. This is the more modern equivalent of SendClientCutText().

clientThe client structure through which to send the client cut text message
strThe string to send (needs to be UTF-8-encoded, doesn't need to be NULL terminated)
lenThe length of the string in bytes
true if the message was sent successfully, false otherwise - you might want to fall back to SendClientCutText() in this case.

◆ SendExtDesktopSize()

rfbBool SendExtDesktopSize ( rfbClient client,
uint16_t  width,
uint16_t  height 

Sends a SetDesktopSize event to the server.

clientThe client through which to send the SetDesktopSize event
widthThe width of the update request rectangle
heightThe height of the update request rectangle
true if the SetDesktopSize event was send successfully, false otherwise

◆ SendExtendedKeyEvent()

rfbBool SendExtendedKeyEvent ( rfbClient client,
uint32_t  keysym,
uint32_t  keycode,
rfbBool  down 

The same as SendKeyEvent, except a key code will be sent along with the symbol if the server supports extended key events.

clientThe client through which to send the key event
keysymAn rfbKeySym defined in rfb/keysym.h
keycodeAn XT key code
downtrue if this was a key down event, false otherwise
true if the extended key event is supported and was sent successfully, false otherwise

◆ SendFramebufferUpdateRequest()

rfbBool SendFramebufferUpdateRequest ( rfbClient client,
int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
rfbBool  incremental 

Sends a framebuffer update request to the server.

A VNC client may request an update from the server at any time. You can also specify which portions of the screen you want updated. This can be handy if a pointer is at certain location and the user pressed a mouse button, for instance. Then you can immediately request an update of the region around the pointer from the server.

The coordinate system is a left-handed Cartesian coordinate system with the Z axis (unused) pointing out of the screen. Alternately you can think of it as a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system with the Z axis pointing into the screen. The origin is at the upper left corner of the framebuffer.
clientThe client through which to send the request
xThe horizontal position of the update request rectangle
yThe vertical position of the update request rectangle
wThe width of the update request rectangle
hThe height of the update request rectangle
incrementalfalse: server sends rectangle even if nothing changed. true: server only sends changed parts of rectangle.
true if the update request was sent successfully, false otherwise

◆ SendIncrementalFramebufferUpdateRequest()

rfbBool SendIncrementalFramebufferUpdateRequest ( rfbClient client)

◆ SendKeyEvent()

rfbBool SendKeyEvent ( rfbClient client,
uint32_t  key,
rfbBool  down 

Sends a key event to the server.

If your application is not merely a VNC viewer (i.e. it controls the server), you'll want to send the keys that the user presses to the server. Use this function to do that.

clientThe client through which to send the key event
keyAn rfbKeySym defined in rfb/keysym.h
downtrue if this was a key down event, false otherwise
true if the key event was send successfully, false otherwise

◆ SendPointerEvent()

rfbBool SendPointerEvent ( rfbClient client,
int  x,
int  y,
int  buttonMask 

Sends a pointer event to the server.

A pointer event includes a cursor location and a button mask. The button mask indicates which buttons on the pointing device are pressed. Each button is represented by a bit in the button mask. A 1 indicates the button is pressed while a 0 indicates that it is not pressed. You may use these pre-defined button masks by ORing them together: rfbButton1Mask, rfbButton2Mask, rfbButton3Mask, rfbButton4Mask rfbButton5Mask

The cursor location is relative to the client's framebuffer, not the client's screen itself.
The coordinate system is a left-handed Cartesian coordinate system with the Z axis (unused) pointing out of the screen. Alternately you can think of it as a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system with the Z axis pointing into the screen. The origin is at the upper left corner of the screen.
clientThe client through which to send the pointer event
xthe horizontal location of the cursor
ythe vertical location of the cursor
buttonMaskthe button mask indicating which buttons are pressed
true if the pointer event was sent successfully, false otherwise

◆ SendScaleSetting()

rfbBool SendScaleSetting ( rfbClient client,
int  scaleSetting 

◆ SendXvpMsg()

rfbBool SendXvpMsg ( rfbClient client,
uint8_t  version,
uint8_t  code 

◆ SetBlocking()

rfbBool SetBlocking ( rfbSocket  sock)

◆ SetClientAuthSchemes()

void SetClientAuthSchemes ( rfbClient client,
const uint32_t *  authSchemes,
int  size 

◆ SetDSCP()

rfbBool SetDSCP ( rfbSocket  sock,
int  dscp 

◆ SetFormatAndEncodings()

rfbBool SetFormatAndEncodings ( rfbClient client)

Sends format and encoding parameters to the server.

Your application can modify the 'client' data structure directly. However some changes to this structure must be communicated back to the server. For instance, if you change the encoding to hextile, the server needs to know that it should send framebuffer updates in hextile format. Likewise if you change the pixel format of the framebuffer, the server must be notified about this as well. Call this function to propagate your changes of the local 'client' structure over to the server.

  • Encoding type
  • RFB protocol extensions announced via pseudo-encodings
  • Framebuffer pixel format (like RGB vs ARGB)
  • Remote cursor support
    clientThe client in which the format or encodings have been changed
    true if the format or encodings were sent to the server successfully, false otherwise

◆ SetNonBlocking()

rfbBool SetNonBlocking ( rfbSocket  sock)

◆ StringToIPAddr()

rfbBool StringToIPAddr ( const char *  str,
unsigned int *  addr 

◆ SupportsClient2Server()

rfbBool SupportsClient2Server ( rfbClient client,
int  messageType 

◆ SupportsServer2Client()

rfbBool SupportsServer2Client ( rfbClient client,
int  messageType 

◆ TextChatClose()

rfbBool TextChatClose ( rfbClient client)

Closes the text chat window on the server.

clientThe client through which to send the message
true if the window was closed successfully, false otherwise

◆ TextChatFinish()

rfbBool TextChatFinish ( rfbClient client)

◆ TextChatOpen()

rfbBool TextChatOpen ( rfbClient client)

Opens a text chat window on the server.

clientThe client through which to send the message
true if the window was opened successfully, false otherwise

◆ TextChatSend()

rfbBool TextChatSend ( rfbClient client,
char *  text 

Sends a text chat message to the server.

clientThe client through which to send the message
textThe text to send
true if the text was sent successfully, false otherwise

◆ WaitForMessage()

int WaitForMessage ( rfbClient client,
unsigned int  usecs 

Waits for an RFB message to arrive from the server.

Before handling a message with HandleRFBServerMessage(), you must wait for your client to receive one. This function blocks until a message is received. You may specify a timeout in microseconds. Once this number of microseconds have elapsed, the function will return.

clientThe client to cause to wait until a message is received
usecsThe timeout in microseconds
the return value of the underlying select() call
SDLvncviewer.c, ppmtest.c, and vnc2mpg.c.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ WriteToRFBServer()

rfbBool WriteToRFBServer ( rfbClient client,
const char *  buf,
unsigned int  n 

Variable Documentation

◆ errorMessageOnReadFailure

rfbBool errorMessageOnReadFailure

◆ rfbClientErr

rfbClientLogProc rfbClientErr
SDLvncviewer.c, and ppmtest.c.

Definition at line 512 of file rfbclient.h.

◆ rfbClientLog

rfbClientLogProc rfbClientLog
SDLvncviewer.c, and ppmtest.c.

◆ rfbEnableClientLogging

rfbBool rfbEnableClientLogging