typedef void(* | HandleTextChatProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int value, char *text) |
| Handles a text chat message. More...
typedef void(* | HandleXvpMsgProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, uint8_t version, uint8_t opcode) |
| Handles XVP server messages. More...
typedef void(* | HandleKeyboardLedStateProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int value, int pad) |
typedef rfbBool(* | HandleCursorPosProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int x, int y) |
typedef void(* | SoftCursorLockAreaProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int w, int h) |
typedef void(* | SoftCursorUnlockScreenProc) (struct _rfbClient *client) |
typedef void(* | GotFrameBufferUpdateProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int w, int h) |
| Callback indicating that a rectangular area of the client's framebuffer was updated. More...
typedef void(* | FinishedFrameBufferUpdateProc) (struct _rfbClient *client) |
| Callback indicating that a client has completely processed an rfbFramebufferUpdate message sent by a server. More...
typedef char *(* | GetPasswordProc) (struct _rfbClient *client) |
typedef rfbCredential *(* | GetCredentialProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int credentialType) |
typedef rfbBool(* | MallocFrameBufferProc) (struct _rfbClient *client) |
typedef void(* | GotXCutTextProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, const char *text, int textlen) |
typedef void(* | GotXCutTextUTF8Proc) (struct _rfbClient *client, const char *buffer, int buffer_len) |
typedef void(* | BellProc) (struct _rfbClient *client) |
typedef void(* | GotCursorShapeProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int xhot, int yhot, int width, int height, int bytesPerPixel) |
| Called when a cursor shape update was received from the server. More...
typedef void(* | GotCopyRectProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int src_x, int src_y, int w, int h, int dest_x, int dest_y) |
typedef void(* | GotFillRectProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t colour) |
typedef void(* | GotBitmapProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, const uint8_t *buffer, int x, int y, int w, int h) |
typedef rfbBool(* | GotJpegProc) (struct _rfbClient *client, const uint8_t *buffer, int length, int x, int y, int w, int h) |
typedef rfbBool(* | LockWriteToTLSProc) (struct _rfbClient *client) |
typedef rfbBool(* | UnlockWriteToTLSProc) (struct _rfbClient *client) |
typedef void(* | rfbClientLogProc) (const char *format,...) |
rfbBool | HandleCursorShape (rfbClient *client, int xhot, int yhot, int width, int height, uint32_t enc) |
| Handles XCursor and RichCursor shape updates from the server. More...
void | listenForIncomingConnections (rfbClient *viewer) |
int | listenForIncomingConnectionsNoFork (rfbClient *viewer, int usec_timeout) |
rfbBool | ConnectToRFBServer (rfbClient *client, const char *hostname, int port) |
rfbBool | ConnectToRFBRepeater (rfbClient *client, const char *repeaterHost, int repeaterPort, const char *destHost, int destPort) |
void | SetClientAuthSchemes (rfbClient *client, const uint32_t *authSchemes, int size) |
rfbBool | InitialiseRFBConnection (rfbClient *client) |
rfbBool | SetFormatAndEncodings (rfbClient *client) |
| Sends format and encoding parameters to the server. More...
rfbBool | SendIncrementalFramebufferUpdateRequest (rfbClient *client) |
rfbBool | SendFramebufferUpdateRequest (rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int w, int h, rfbBool incremental) |
| Sends a framebuffer update request to the server. More...
rfbBool | SendScaleSetting (rfbClient *client, int scaleSetting) |
rfbBool | SendPointerEvent (rfbClient *client, int x, int y, int buttonMask) |
| Sends a pointer event to the server. More...
rfbBool | SendExtDesktopSize (rfbClient *client, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) |
| Sends a SetDesktopSize event to the server. More...
rfbBool | SendKeyEvent (rfbClient *client, uint32_t key, rfbBool down) |
| Sends a key event to the server. More...
rfbBool | SendExtendedKeyEvent (rfbClient *client, uint32_t keysym, uint32_t keycode, rfbBool down) |
| The same as SendKeyEvent, except a key code will be sent along with the symbol if the server supports extended key events. More...
rfbBool | SendClientCutText (rfbClient *client, char *str, int len) |
| Places a Latin-1-encoded string on the server's clipboard. More...
rfbBool | SendClientCutTextUTF8 (rfbClient *client, char *str, int len) |
| Places a UTF-8-encoded string on the server's clipboard if the server supports it. More...
rfbBool | HandleRFBServerMessage (rfbClient *client) |
| Handles messages from the RFB server. More...
rfbBool | TextChatSend (rfbClient *client, char *text) |
| Sends a text chat message to the server. More...
rfbBool | TextChatOpen (rfbClient *client) |
| Opens a text chat window on the server. More...
rfbBool | TextChatClose (rfbClient *client) |
| Closes the text chat window on the server. More...
rfbBool | TextChatFinish (rfbClient *client) |
rfbBool | PermitServerInput (rfbClient *client, int enabled) |
rfbBool | SendXvpMsg (rfbClient *client, uint8_t version, uint8_t code) |
void | PrintPixelFormat (rfbPixelFormat *format) |
rfbBool | SupportsClient2Server (rfbClient *client, int messageType) |
rfbBool | SupportsServer2Client (rfbClient *client, int messageType) |
void | rfbClientSetUpdateRect (rfbClient *client, rfbRectangle *rect) |
| Set the rectangle the client is interested in. More...
void | rfbClientGetUpdateRect (rfbClient *client, rfbRectangle *rect, rfbBool *isManagedByLib) |
| Get the rectangle the client asks for in incremental framebuffer requests. More...
void | rfbClientSetClientData (rfbClient *client, void *tag, void *data) |
| Associates a client data tag with the given pointer. More...
void * | rfbClientGetClientData (rfbClient *client, void *tag) |
| Returns a pointer to the client data associated with the given tag. More...
void | rfbClientRegisterExtension (rfbClientProtocolExtension *e) |
rfbBool | ReadFromRFBServer (rfbClient *client, char *out, unsigned int n) |
rfbBool | WriteToRFBServer (rfbClient *client, const char *buf, unsigned int n) |
int | FindFreeTcpPort (void) |
rfbSocket | ListenAtTcpPort (int port) |
rfbSocket | ListenAtTcpPortAndAddress (int port, const char *address) |
rfbSocket | ConnectClientToTcpAddr (unsigned int host, int port) |
| Tries to connect to an IPv4 host. More...
rfbSocket | ConnectClientToTcpAddr6 (const char *hostname, int port) |
| Tries to connect to an IPv4 or IPv6 host. More...
rfbSocket | ConnectClientToUnixSock (const char *sockFile) |
| Tries to connect to a Unix socket. More...
rfbSocket | ConnectClientToTcpAddrWithTimeout (unsigned int host, int port, unsigned int timeout) |
| Tries to connect to an IPv4 host using the given timeout value. More...
rfbSocket | ConnectClientToTcpAddr6WithTimeout (const char *hostname, int port, unsigned int timeout) |
| Tries to connect to an IPv4 or IPv6 host using the given timeout value. More...
rfbSocket | ConnectClientToUnixSockWithTimeout (const char *sockFile, unsigned int timeout) |
| Tries to connect to a Unix socket using the given timeout value. More...
rfbSocket | AcceptTcpConnection (rfbSocket listenSock) |
rfbBool | SetNonBlocking (rfbSocket sock) |
rfbBool | SetBlocking (rfbSocket sock) |
rfbBool | SetDSCP (rfbSocket sock, int dscp) |
rfbBool | StringToIPAddr (const char *str, unsigned int *addr) |
rfbBool | SameMachine (rfbSocket sock) |
int | WaitForMessage (rfbClient *client, unsigned int usecs) |
| Waits for an RFB message to arrive from the server. More...
rfbClient * | rfbGetClient (int bitsPerSample, int samplesPerPixel, int bytesPerPixel) |
| Allocates and returns a pointer to an rfbClient structure. More...
rfbBool | rfbInitClient (rfbClient *client, int *argc, char **argv) |
| Initializes the client. More...
void | rfbClientCleanup (rfbClient *client) |
| Cleans up the client structure and releases the memory allocated for it. More...